
The Kingdom of God

When Jesus came to earth to become as one us as the Son of Man, He clearly came to establish the Kingdom of God on the earth. He did not come to build a religion, but came to model a relationship with His Father in Heaven. Jesus was the firstborn among many brethren, the pattern Son. When we talk about the Kingdom of God and attempt to define what it is, we must remember the most important thing about the Kingdom is the King. We often can easily get sidetracked in talking about what the benefits are in the kingdom, that we miss the most important aspect of the Kingdom, King Jesus. In Luke’s Gospel it is declared the kingdom of God is within us. Luke 17:21

This kingdom is all about the King and His reign in our hearts as citizens of the kingdom. We are to seek first the King and His righteousness.  As Sons and daughters in His kingdom, our primary focus should be that we walk and talk like the King. Our ministries are secondary to us being conformed to the image of Jesus. Romans 8:29  

As we display his character and rule in the earth, we represent what heaven is like to those around us.  We don’t just declare the gospel, we demonstrate and display the Lord of the gospel to a lost and dying world. The Lord desires to make all things new and bring His kingdom to the earth realm.  Lord we pray today, because of your life in us, we can be faithful sons and daughters who are like you and walk in loving obedience to your will.

Jack Irvin